Los Trancos Open Space Reserve (4302 Page Mill Rd)
GPS location 37.32615° N, 122.17944° W
Coming from the 101, travel east on Page Mill rd. approximately 25-35 mins. Eventually you will come to see this parking lot on your right. You can punch Los Trancos Open Space Reserve into your gps (37.32615° N, 122.17944° W) and you will be able to access directions. Or use address 4302 Page Mill Rd to get directions directly to the parking lot area.
Address is 4302 Page Mill Rd.
Shoot Details
Shoot Starts 4:00p
please arrive with makeup on wardrobe on
walk down, arrive at location 4:15
(it’s actually on about 7-9min walk down)
Overview of shots, walk thru and camera set up 15 mins
Shoot wide shots dance thru 5 mins
Close ups 20 mins (hands, movement, feet)
Aerial shot downward of dancers in circle (symmetrical dancing, shimmering hands and reveal) 10 mins
Center subject pulsing like a heart beat 2 mins
Break down equipment walk back up 15 mins
5:27p wrap