The zombie apocalypse in the world of prepping and disaster response seems to be a metaphor for a looming crisis such as an earthquake global pandemic emp crisis or nuclear fallout in which results in a permanent or long term temporary societal collapse. How do you prepare for disasters? For most people this may seem like a huge mountain to climb. We have broken down disaster preparedness into the easiest forms in which community members gain knowledge and skill. Every event we bring new ways for the community to train learn and build the survival skills they will need to survive a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!
Join Us at our Zombie Apocalypse Workshop!
Collecting emergency information from our neighbors and creating an emergency response roster.
Passing out hundreds of emergency batteries during a power outage caused by raging storms in Menlo Park Belle Haven.
What have we done in the storms?
We have helped folks to resources and information on disasters, bagged sandbags and brought them to flooding homes, assisted in creek debris removal, handed out items like emergency phone batteries warm blankets and clothing for those in need.
Would you like to get involved?
If so and you live in Menlo Park or East Palo Alto please send us a message or come to our community preparedness training events and talk to us in person. We would love to get you involved.